200-Pound Buck Rescued From Colorado Window Well

A Colorado Springs homeowner got quite the surprise on Sunday (Nov. 15) when they found a 200-pound buck stuck in their window well.
According to a tweet from CPW SE Region, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Officer Cassidy English discovered that the deer was not injured when she arrived on the scene, so she decided to tranquilize it.
English and the homeowner then pulled the deer in via the well and carried it through the house and out the patio doors.
Unfortunately for the buck, its struggles didn't end there. As English began to revive it, another buck showed up and attempted to start a fight.
Thankfully, English was able to shoo the challenger away, but the incident serves as a reminder of how aggressive the animals can be during the rut.
On top of avoiding angry deer, don't forget to cover your window wells to keep them buck-free.
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