112 Years Ago Buffalo Bill Brought His Show to Grand Junction
112 years ago Buffalo Bill brought his Wild West Show to Grand Junction. This is what Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show was like in Grand Junction.
Since today, September 10, 2020, is Thursday, we're celebrating Throwback Thursday by taking it all the way back to the early 1900s. It was Labor Day in Grand Junction and it was an extremely exciting day for the Grand Valley. On September 7, 1908, Buffalo Bill brought his Wild West Show to Grand Junction.

Buffalo Bill (aka William Cody) started doing his show in 1883. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show was described as 'A Labor Day Attraction Extraordinary' in the newspaper in Grand Junction.
Back in 1908, it was only between 50 cents to one dollar to go to the event, and tickets could be purchased at Kraft & Emerson's Drug Store, which was on Fourth and Main. According to the Historical Photos of Fruita & Western Colorado's Facebook, Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show in Grand Junction included football on horseback and a depiction of:
The Great Train Hold-Up and Bandit Hunters of the Union Pacific showing scene typical of the dangers attendant upon early railroading in the Far West.
There was also a pageant, a circus, and reenactments of battles during Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. It's amazing to think that Buffalo Bill started Buffalo Bill's Wild West Shows in 1883 and continued doing the show for 30 years.
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