10 Year Old Grand Junction Chef On National Television
Grand Junction 'chef' Cole Householder is set to appear on Fox this Thursday.
10 year-old Cole just found out that his episode of MasterChef Junior will debut this Thursday on Fox.
The episode of the hugely popular cooking show was actually taped way back last March, so it's been a little difficult waiting and waiting. Plus, he wasn't allowed to discuss what happened on the show.
But, this Thursday he won't have to keep secrets any longer.
Cole mom told Karaline Ann from KKCO that they got Cole a barbecue for his fourth birthday. Even before he could walk, Cole always found his way to the kitchen to be with his mom.
This won't be Cole's first rodeo, or should we say cooking competition. He's put his skills to the test at Fruita Fall Fest and at Pork and Hops.
Good luck. We will all be tuning in.