According to a press release from Union Pacific (UP), the world's largest steam locomotive, dubbed Big Boy No. 4014, will travel across the U.S. for UP's "The Big Boy 2021 Tour."

The train hasn't hit the road since 2019. While there are seven other Big Boys in existence, No. 4014 is the only one in operation; however, you can see stationary models in Cheyenne and Denver.

No. 4014 is currently resting in Cheyenne, where it underwent a multi-year restoration before its "Great Race" tour two years ago. The locomotive will embark from the city on Thursday (Aug. 5).

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"The Big Boy 2021 Tour" will conclude in Denver on September 6, after which it will return to its home in Cheyenne. Residents in Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Kansas will also get to see the train.

If you're wondering whether or not Big Boy No. 4014 actually lives up to its does.

"Weighing in at 1.2 million pounds, the Big Boy makes a big impression in communities it visits, reminding us of bygone days and the important role the railroad continues to play in our global economy," said Scott More, UP's Senior Vice President of Corporate Relations and Chief Administrative Officer, in the release.

According to OutThere Colorado, the train is 17 feet tall and 133 feet long — nearly the size of a Boeing 747.

Stay up to date with No. 4014's stops here. If you plan on seeing the Big Boy, UP asks that you keep the following tips in mind:

  • Know that trains cannot stop quickly for people or vehicles when on the tracks.
  • Trains are faster and closer than they appear.
  • Stay at least 25 feet away from train tracks.
  • Always expect a train, even on seemingly abandoned tracks.
  • Remember that railroad tracks are private property.

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