Digital Reanimation

Actor Behind Reanimated Grand Moff Tarkin Speaks Out on Technology’s Future
Actor Behind Reanimated Grand Moff Tarkin Speaks Out on Technology’s Future
Actor Behind Reanimated Grand Moff Tarkin Speaks Out on Technology’s Future
Our modern digital Prometheus: when the technical wizards behind the CGI of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story learned that they could reanimate deceased actor Peter Cushing to reprise his role as gaunt-cheeked Empire command Grand Moff Tarkin, they never stopped stopped to think if they should. The resultant spelunking into the uncanny valley was as polarizing as it was unexpected. Some were wowed by the boundless possibilities of computer programming and the effective triumph over the permanence of death; others immediately flashed back to high school memories of reading Mary Shelley. The debate over the ethics of artificially contriving performances from dead actors continues to rage, and a figure close to the situation has now weighed in.